My best find at VCF Midwest this year was a NeXTStation Mono Slab with matching Monitor, Keyboard and mouse. I understand that out of the three different variations of the NeXT computers, this one is the least desirable, but that also makes it the most affordable, so I'm quite pleased with the purchase. I've heard the claim that there may have only been about 50,000 NeXT computers made in total, so I feel fortunate to be the NeXT owner of this NeXT.
The previous owner has handed off some media to me, and he's also shipping manuals. I'm pretty excited about having those original materials. I've never been hands on with the NeXT before, but I remember reading about the company back in the day when Steve Jobs returned to Apple and Mac OS X was in its infancy, those were exciting times in computer history.
This particular computer was made in 1991 and has the base Motorola 68040 processor at 25 Mhz, maxed out at 128MB RAM, and has an upgraded HDD, a Connor 1 GB SCSI drive. I'm a bit worried about the longevity of this SCSI drive, I think it's from 1995, but it isn't making bad sounds, and this systems has only a base install on it without much else, so I'm not in a big rush to get a SCSI2SD installed.